DIY: Mermaid Sea Shell Printed T-Shirt

Summer’s finally here! Time to bust out those bikinis and short shorts. Buuttt if you’re like me that don’t have the body to rock them bikinis that bares all, this awesome sea shell tee tutorial works great on giving off that illusion that you’re ready to hit the beach.

So I’ve been also testing out new methods of editing my videos with a different software. I’m still fiddling with all the little add-ons and whatnots, so please keep in mind that it’s going to take some time for me to get a grasp of everything this new program has to offer. Oh, and the sound quality should sound a million times better ever since I bought a new mic.


Materials used —
o Random cardboard pieces
o T-shirt from Forever 21
o X-acto knife
o Sewing scissors
o Fabric paint (mine was the 3D or puffy paint)
o Make up sponges (a sponge applicator brush works fine)
o Q-tips (regular brushes can work well too)
o Paper for the stencil (cardstock is a better option)